The Scope with Dr. K — Episode 43

Dr. David Herman, CEO of Essentia Health

Dr. David Herman, CEO of Essentia Health, epitomizes a transformative force in healthcare, particularly in the context of rural areas. His passion for his work stems from a profound appreciation for the privilege of serving others in need, a sentiment shared by his colleagues. Transitioning into an administrative role, Dr. Herman adeptly navigates diverse perspectives, reflecting an understanding of the nuanced dynamics within healthcare. Operating in some of the most remote regions of the United States, they recognize the profound impact they can make on individuals’ lives, often without alternative options for care. Driven by a culture of excellence, Essentia Health sets high standards, reflected in Minnesota’s distinguished track record in quality care provision.

Episode Takeaways:

  • Understanding the unique challenges of rural America, Dr. Herman and Essentia Health designs care models that acknowledge and address these realities. By leveraging technology and community collaboration, they strive to overcome barriers to access and deliver proactive, comprehensive care.
  • Central to Essentia Health’s ethos is a focus on transparency and efficacy. Data-driven decision-making ensures that the right actions are not only clear but also facilitated.
  • The “3 A’s” framework—Analytics, Action, and Accountability—guides Dr. Herman and his team’s strategic approach. By diligently assessing gaps, taking decisive action, and holding themselves accountable, they ensure measurable progress towards their objectives.



“As CEO, my role is to set the tone of the top as the primary steward of the organization and promote a culture shift when needed. It’s about deciding what’s important and providing data transparency. This makes the right thing to do the easy thing to do – and then making sure to have the right people to do it.”

“It’s about knowing the patients and assessing their needs in order to provide them proactively. We have transparency internally with our clinical quality dashboard, so our staff can see where they are in comparison to their peers and reach out to colleagues for guidance. We found that this led to beating pre-set goals and exceeding expectations from a quality-of-care standpoint.”