Continuous patient monitoring untangles the complexities of GI care.

SonarMD effectively extends a physician practice by picking up early-warning signals of an imminent debilitating attack, detecting flare-ups before they can strike and fast-tracking patients to their care team.

Preventing surprise attacks begins with a monthly Gut Check.

Each month, patients take a few minutes to answer a text-based health assessment. Answers are analyzed relative to benchmarks and previous responses. This continuous monitoring is proven to stay ahead of GI symptoms before they escalate. SonarMD enables constant vigilance of each IBD patient’s digestive health status with zero impact on provider resources and staff.

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Revealing symptoms even before they feel it in their gut.

When the AI-assisted SonarMD tool recognizes anomalies in response patterns, a Sonar Ping alerts the care team to determine an appropriate or immediate next step to manage a potential flare-up.

Patient personalization becomes smarter every day.

The most advanced suite of AI detection tools provides superior care to GI patients. The simplicity of enrollment and activation combined with an intuitive interface continually advances and refines our ability to set a new standard for GI care.

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What patients are saying

For Health Plans

Comprehensive, value-based care solution drives savings by enabling physicians with tools and support to improve their patients’ outcomes.

For Providers

Manage patients suffering from chronic GI conditions between visits, reducing overhead while earning value incentives.

For Patients

Our preventative technology keeps you ahead of changes in your gut health and better connected to your GI care team.

Ask about adding SonarMD to your health plan or practice.