The Scope with Dr. K — Episode 38

The Reality of Value-Based Care: An Interview with Dr. Ali Kahn

On this episode of The Scope With Dr. K, Dr. Kosinski chats with Dr. Ali Kahn, Chief Medical Officer of Value-Based Care Strategy at Oak Street Health. Ali Khan, MD, MPP, FACP works at the intersection of medicine, entrepreneurship, translational health policy, population health and public service to help transform American health care delivery and achieve the quadruple aim. In his role at Oak Street Health, Dr. Kahn leads efforts in managed care strategy, clinical design, and public policy. Together, Dr. Kosinski and Dr. Khan discuss “blocking and tackling” when it comes to building value-based care networks and the importance of cultivating relationships with patients and provider networks.

  • A mix of policy work, cultural awareness, functional systems, and effective partnerships together help create a highly proactive primary care system, even within structurally marginalized populations.
  • According to Dr. Kahn, the biggest challenges to value-based care are practical: How do we reduce barriers to specialist care? How do we make a hands-on primary care experience sustainable for physicians and reduce burnout? How do we keep the patient engaged? Hear more about how Oak Street Health addresses these challenges in the episode.

“At Oak Street, we see our patients on average eight to nine times a year for 40 to 60-minute appointments. The average American primary care visit is 17 minutes, 1.4 times a year,” Dr. Ali Kahn said. “That density of interactions builds trust.”

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